SEL Consulting Services
We work with leaders interested in designing systems and structures to address the below recommendations by incorporating the attitudes and practices of Empowered Humanity Theory. Our consulting process is driven by clients’ stated needs, and hopeful outcomes and is specifically tailored. Below are some examples of what SEL consulting could include.
2019 Report by the Aspen Institute: “The Brain Bias for Integrated Social, Emotional, and Academic Development” Read the report
Set a vision for student success that prioritizes the whole child.
Transform learning settings so they are physically and emotionally safe and foster strong bonds among students and adults.
Change instruction to teach students social, emotional and cognitive skills; embed these skills in academics and school-wide practices.
Build adult expertise in child and adolescent development.
Align resources and leverage partnerships across schools, families, and communities to address the whole child.
Forge closer connections between research and practice to generate useful, actionable information for educators
Human beings are social and emotional beings. By developing the attitudes that foster our most positive capacities we can increase our potential and the potential of those we serve. Attuning to our social emotional growth and development we can have positive impacts on academic performance, staff retention, climate and culture, and personal well-being. We are eager to apply our experiences of working with leaders to integrate Empowered Humanity Theory into SEL frameworks across the nation and around the world.
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